5 Inevitable Hamster Care Tips for Your Little Bundle of Joy

Ellie Perkins
3 min readSep 30, 2018


When we talk about small pets, hamsters counts as one of the most preferred animals by people. They make such adorable pets that people can’t take their hands off them, more so when you have children at home. It is a fact that we all live a busy life nowadays and thus taking care of pets have become a bit tougher unless you know the easy tricks and hacks to handle them. Unlike other pets, hamsters do not need much effort from the pet owners to be maintained. The hamster care tips given below does the task of hamster management quite well.

Read on to find out more

Know your hamster- when you buy your hamster, enquire about them well in advance from eh pet seer. Like what breed they belong to and what qualities they possess. In most cases, it is seen that the Syrian hamster if put in pairs inside a cage fight violently. The other variants may also fight but not this violently. So, the first step towards hamster care is selecting the breed wisely and knowing about their behavioral instincts well.

Bedding- do not go with wood shavings if you want comfort for your hamsters. The bedding which is most comfortable to them is made of cellulose or paper fibers which are plant-based. Also, you must avoid scented bedding, cat litter and other such items in the bedding which contain chemicals as they might cause respiratory troubles to the hamsters.

Nutrition- the general food preference for hamsters include vegetable, fruits, seeds, grains, which can be either supplied in fresh forms or blended together. And they prefer drinking fresh water frequently.

Toys-it can sound a little wired but yes, hamsters need toys too for fighting their boredom. You can either use the exercise wheels or even buy a small ball for the purpose. Also, it will help in improving their health when they undergo regular exercise, so that’s a dual benefit you get when you buy them toys.

Shelter- when you buy or build a cage for the hamsters, make sure they not only fit in well in the cage but also get enough space to move around. In short, do not suffocate them inside the cages, rather try to make it large enough to provide a comfortable stay to your little bundle of joy.

And, to conclude

We all love our pets, irrespective of their sizes. But be it a cat, dog or a hamster they all need special care when they are under your guardianship. You cannot neglect either their health or well being under any circumstances and so getting to know the best tips to care about them is well recommended. When it comes to taking care of the hamsters, other than the tips mentioned above, you should as take them to regular veterinary visits to be assured of their pink health conditions. Given the fact that even animals fall sick, we cannot really take chances with their health.



Ellie Perkins

Writes about culture + lifestyle , Rolling Stone, Playboy, The Cut, and more.